Sew the earth with diligence and love
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Inspiration is everywhere:
Most would agree that it can be found in peaceful morning walks, vast landscapes or in the contemplative gaze of a starry, night sky. Inspire by Color is my vocational journey to evoke and inspire beauty through creative paint explorations in my clients' homes. I truly believe that we all seek beauty; in our environments, our relationships - our mirrors and indeed our hearts.
Sadly though, our lives are often hammered with the not-so-beautiful:
Inadequate means, rocky relationships, inevitable aging and of course, death - or the threat thereof. As I'm writing this, I'm wincing with a chronic and undiagnosed pain behind my left ear. The very pain that won't let me sleep in on a Saturday and the same pain that leads me to fearful, 4am google searches on how cancerous tumors are best diagnosed. What are we to do with such longing desire for love, beauty and peace in an existence that seems at times, to be anything but?
We push back with everything we have...
We do what local musician, David Wimbish has done with his Collection of like-minded musical marauders. The Collection eloquently engages this present darkness with passionate diligence and love, through music. Their latest album, Ars Moriendi, Latin for "The art of dying", flies in the face of our present sufferings, with spirit lifting, foot stomping, proclamations of love and life.
I was moved from that painful fear of the unknown, to tears of joy this morning while reading about and watching videos of these incredible people. I hope you'll be inspired too.
Please take a moment to read more about The Collection, in this month's edition of O'Henry magazine. You'll be glad you did! But before you go CLICK HERE, to check out their latest hit, The Gown of Green, picked up earlier this year by NPR and now produced into an remarkably inventive and uplifting music video!